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On-Site Wastewater : Septic

NOTICE: System Maintenance - The Citizen Portal will be unavailable Wednesday December 4th, beginning at 5:00pm through 7:00pm.
All User Logins and Links will be disabled during this time.

Start a New Permit
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LOGIN or Register (click here)

You MUST LOGIN for the following benefits:
  1. Submit Permit Applications and Pay Online
  2. Track your Permits from start to completion
  3. Add messages referencing the permit
  4. Learn of resolutions
  5. Request a receipt, when applicable
Review Submitted Permits

Use the search function to inquire on submitted Permits. If you know the Application ID or a Violation ID associated with the permit, you may enter that ID. Otherwise, select/enter what you know and press 'Search'.

Enter ONLY the street name (without directional prefixes/suffixes or types)

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